With winter upon us and harvests complete, it is suitable that now is the time to begin storing your very own seed bombs. These vessels contain so much more than some soil and few seeds.
I want to share some links with you to some individuals, establishments and local businesses I came across in my research of this project:
www.meadowviewfarmstand.com Check out Meadow View Farm in New Paltz for hormone and pesticide free, fresh produce, eggs and dairy products, and say hello to Bart Colucci, who supported this project and works hard each day to bring delicious food to tables in the Hudson Valley.
Cafe Mio www.miogardiner.com in Gardiner serves up a fine selection of local fare by Chef Mike Bernardo you will be sure to enjoy. Also, right now Mio is showing an exhibit of photography by Bri Stachowski www.bcsnap.com honoring Food to the Table. Stop by for a bite of local fare and check out the newest work by this talented photographer.
Interested in planning your garden for next Spring over the long winter months? Be sure to check out the Hudson Seed Library www.seedlibrary.org for special offers and beautiful and colorful art packs.
In accordance with my love of seeds, I came across www.seedmatters.org which explores realistic concerns we face in terms of honoring seed as one of our most valuable natural resources. "Seed holds the diversity of our agricultural heritage and the potential for a more successful and sustainable organic food future. (Seedmatters.org, 2011)"
Please send me a note if you are interested in participating in this exciting social art experiment. Inquiries can be addressed to crazypotter999@gmail.com
This is my friend Jasper. He's inspired by root vegetables too!